Chlorine Dioxide / MMS

MMS / CDS / Universal Antidote - What's in a name?

Chlorine Dioxide, also known as MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) or the Universal Antidote. These terms are often used interchangeably but Chlorine Dioxide actually comes in 2 forms:


Chlorine Dioxide has a relatively short working life as it will gas away. MMS1 is stored as 2 separate stable chemicals that are mixed together when needed. These chemicals react when mixed and produce the Chlorine Dioxide ready to use straight away. This is a make on demand process. The base chemicals are stable and have a very long shelf life (indefinite when stored correctly). This is the product that we sell.

1 Actually the naming convention is somewhat more complicated: MMS actually refers to the Sodium Chlorite alone. What we have described here as MMS is actually MMS1, Chlorine Dioxide made from Sodium Chlorite and Hydrochloric Acid. There is also an MMS2 which is a different chemical altogether that can be used alone or in combination with MMS1; we will not go into the details of MMS2 here.


CDS is a ready-to-use product that is made from infusing Chlorine Dioxide into water. It has the convenience of use, not needing any preparation, but it does degrade quickly and so has a relatively short shelf life. For this reason we do no sell CDS.

Chemistry of MMS

To make Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) you mix Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) with a suitable acid. A chemical reaction ensues and you produce Chlorine Dioxide. One such acid that many people use for this reaction is citric acid; however, citric acid manufacturing often leaves in significant impurities. Furthermore, the reaction of citric acid with Soduim Chlorite also produced an impure MMS solution that contains potentially toxic impurities.

The Citric Acid and Sodium Chlorite chemical reaction:

15 NaClO2 + 4 C6H8O7 => 6 H2O + 3 NaCl + 4 C4H5Na3O7 + 12 ClO2
Sodium Chlorite + Citric Acid => Water + Salt + UNNAMED CHEMICAL IMPURITY + Chlorine Dioxide

For this reason we do not use citric acid as the activator. Our MMS product uses Hydrochloric Acid as the activator as this gives a far superior and clean end product with no potentially toxic impurities.

The Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Chlorite chemical reaction:

5 NaClO2 + 4 HCl => 2 H2O + 5 NaCl + 4 ClO2
Sodium Chlorite + Hydrochloric Acid => Water + Salt + Chlorine Dioxide

Furthermore, the concentrations we use of Sodium Chlorite (at 25%) and Hydrochloric Acid (at 4%) are designed to produce the most efficient and clean reaction maximising Chlorine Dioxide production in the prescribed reaction time.

If you are concerned about Hydrochloric Acid just consider the gastric juices in our stomach is primarily Hydrochloric Acid at a concentration of around 0.5 - 1%.

Brief History

The amazing power of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) to heal and boost the immune system was discovered by the late Jim Humble, a US missionary working in Africa. He found that a single dose of MMS would cure 99.9% of malaria cases in 24 hours. He spend many years testing and refining the dosage and also successfully used MMS to treat many other conditions. His success stories are not just anecdotal as he was quite rigorous with his work and documented the trials he performed. He also wrote several books on the subject in his effort to make MMS a widely used and accepted treatment. There is an ever growing community around the world using MMS treating a vast number of conditions.

Official Uses

Chlorine Dioxide is widely used in hospitals and industry as a biocide cleaning and sterilising agent. It is also used as a water purification treatment.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the effectiveness to treat so many conditions and it's minimal side effects on the body, chlorine dioxide, as a treatment or supplement, is outlawed in many countries around the world. Given the evidence and the experiences of a huge number of users, one can only conclude the demonisation of chlorine dioxide by the powers-that-be is due purely to money (as is almost always the case). Chlorine dioxide is relatively cheap, easy to use and targets the cause of disease (rather than pharmaceuticals that target only symptoms) so it's wide-spread use would punch a big hole in the profits of the pharmaceutical industry; which is the second largest industry in the world.

How Does MMS Work?

In short Chlorine Dioxide is a very strong oxidiser. It works exactly the same way as Oxygen in the body. Oxygen grabs electrons from bacteria, virus' and other toxins in the body, this reduces or kills the pathogen. Chlorine Dioxide does the same but is a lot more active.

Legal Disclaimer

For the reasons outlined above we sell MMS as a water purification treatment only and not for any other purpose. The information provided on this website about other uses of MMS is purely for information only. You should do your own research and use MMS as you see fit taking full responsibility for your own actions. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever.