Chlorine Dioxide (MMS1) has many useful applications, for example:
Here is a brief list of just some of the common condition that MMS1 can help to resolve. This is by no means a complete list.
The list goes on...
You may be surprised by some of the conditions in the list above. Two in particular being cancer and autism. A brief note on these two:
Our perception of cancer is that it will eat away at us and our only option is harsh, unpleasant medical procedures and drugs which will only buy us some time until the inevitable happens and the cancer gets us. This idea is completely false but is perpetrated and perpetuated by the medical and pharmaceutical industries who make billions each year on cancer treatments that, for the majority of cases, do not work and cause greater suffering instead.
The truth is cancer is not a death sentence and is completely curable and there are many protocols, supplements and treatments that will irradiate the cancer with no or virtually no side effects and suffering of the patient. MMS is one such treatment that has been shown to be effective against cancers.
There has been an exponential worldwide growth of autism over the last 100 years with the official figures (from the US CDC) showing the rate of 1 in 36 children (2.8% of all children born) in 2023 have autism. At the current growth rate we will be looking at 1 in 4 children having autism within the next 10 years. Since the powers-that-be are not interested in acknowledging and dealing with the root causes we must protect ourselves and our family as best we can.
Preventative measures include:
Effective treatments include using MMS1 and MMS2. There are a few MMS1 and MMS2 treatment protocols for Autism. Kerri Rivera has written a book entitled "Healing the symptoms known as Autism".