
Borax Solution
600ml Bottle with syringe
600ml Bottle containing 600mg Boron; 1mg per ml. Upto 200 days supply at 3mg daily dose. Included syringe for easy and accurate dosing.
We are still setting up the online shop so please contact us if you would like to buy anything.

A pure and convenient Borax Solution. The concentration is 1mg Boron to 1ml solution so you can accurately and easily measure every dose with the included syringe.


  • Borax @ 99.9% purity
  • Pure water

Boron tablet are available usually containing 3mg of Boron and sometimes with Magnesium also. However, the Boron in these tablet is often tightly bound and not in ionic form (as with Borax / Boric Acid) and so the effectiveness is much reduced. It has been suggested that you would need to take around 3 times the amount of tablet boron to see the same results as our Borax Solution.
Furthermore, all tablets contain many ingredients such as caking agents and fillers. Our Borax Solution, as all our products, are pure and don't include additional, potentially toxic, ingredients.


Using the included syringe, take up the required amount of the Borax Solution and take directly or add to a drink.

The Borax Solution concentration is 1mg Boron per 1ml of solution. So for a maintenance dose of 3mg you would take just 3ml of the Borax Solution.


  • Daily maintenance dose: 3 - 5ml of Borax Solution per day.
  • Arthritis cure: 10ml of Borax Solution per day until the condition improves (may take from a week to a couple of months).
  • Fluoride and heavy metal detox: 100ml of Borax Solution per day, space out small doses throughout the day. Take for 5 days and have 2 days off then continue as long as needed.

Please read and research protocols for other conditions.

Note: For the Borax Solution to work well in balancing your Calcium-Magnesium levels you may wish to consider increasing your Magnesium intake if you feel this may be low. Some great natural sources of Magnesium are:

  • Bananas
  • Cha Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Peanuts
  • Cashew Nuts
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Rolled Oats
  • Avocados
  • Legumes